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Friday, July 20, 2012

SEM Industry Training - What Are The Options?

Kalena Jordan provides some answers.
The State of SEM Training
Search Engine Marketing is the hottest new career to sweep the employment sector. There are literally more jobs available than there are marketers to fill them, hence the high salaries. Traditionally, SEO/SEM has had a long, steep learning curve, so there is currently a large supply/demand gap.

The growth of the industry has underscored the need for faster, more flexible training options. The demand for trained SEO/SEM staff has accelerated the launch of online training programs in the past three years. The spread of misinformation and the growth of dodgy SEO practices have also highlighted a need for best-practice industry certification.
Advantages of a Career in SEM
Here are the major advantages of having a career in search engine marketing:

1.    The search industry is hot, hot, HOT!
2.    SEO considered one of four jobs on the cutting edge
3.    The pay is (usually) fantastic
4.    You can learn it all online
5.    You can be your own boss
6.    Search marketing has the WOW factor
7.    The demand is strong and growing
8.    The industry is hip and groovy
9.    The skills are portable and global
10.    Job satisfaction is high

SEM Training Options
If you decide to start that career in search engine marketing, you have numerous training options open to you:
- Do It Yourself (DIY)
- E-books and online manuals
- Books and offline manuals
- Conferences and seminars
- In-person training
- Online courses
Let’s go through these training options one by one.

Do It Yourself (DIY)
You could try to learn search engine marketing on your own, by conducting your own research, reading widely in webmaster forums and honing your skills on your own sites via trial and error.

The advantages of learning SEM on your own are:
- You can set your own timeframe
- It’s generally inexpensive
- You have the satisfaction of acquiring skills on your own

The disadvantages of learning SEM on your own are:
- There is a very long lead time
- You will be faced with conflicting and unreliable information sources
- There is only a limited ability to network with peers
- Research is time-consuming
- You won’t know what works and what doesn’t until you trial it
- You’ll have no record or proof of skills acquired

E-books and Online Manuals
There are plenty of e-books and manuals about search engine marketing available online.

The advantages of learning SEM via e-books and manuals are:
- They are generally inexpensive
- They are readily available

The disadvantages of learning SEM via e-books and manuals are:
- They are generally considered lower quality than training
- There is no interaction with your peers
- You’ll have no record or proof of skills acquired

Examples of SEM e-books and manuals include:
The SEO Book by Aaron Wall
The Nitty Gritty of Writing for the Search Engines by Jill Whalen
SEM: The Essential Best Practice Guide by Mike Grehan

Books and Offline Manuals

As with online versions, there are just as many physical books, CDs and offline training manuals available to persons wanting to learn search engine marketing.

The advantages of learning SEM via books and offline manuals are:
- They are usually inexpensive
- They are readily available

The advantages of learning SEM via books and offline manuals are:
- The information dates quickly
- There is no interaction with your peers
- You’ll have no proof of skills acquired

Examples of SEM books and offline manuals include:
Search Engine Visibility by Shari Thurow
SitePoint’s SEM Kit by Dan Thies
Building Your Business with Google For Dummies by Brad Hill

Conferences and Seminars

As search engine marketing has grown as an industry, so too have the number of conferences and events dedicated to it.

The advantages of learning SEM via conferences and seminars are:
- They offer cutting edge information
- They often provide access to search engine staff
- They give you the ability to network with peers

The disadvantages of learning SEM via conferences and seminars are:
- You must travel to the venue
- They generally provide no training material
- They can be more expensive than other options
- You’ll have no record or proof of skills acquired

Examples of SEM conferences and seminars include:
Search Engine Watch’s Search Engine Strategies
Webmaster World’s PubCon
Search Engine Land’s Search Marketing Expo
Australia’s Search Summit

In-person Training

Just as the number of conferences relating to search engine marketing has grown, so too has the demand for in-house training in SEO and SEM subjects.

The advantages of learning SEM via in-person training are:
- It generally includes step-by-step instructions
- Training material is usually provided
- Verification of subjects studied is provided
- You have the ability to network with your peers
- Some form of certification is generally given
- University credits are sometimes available
- Certification may be recognized by potential employers

The disadvantages of learning SEM via in-person training are:
- You must travel to the venue
- The information can date quickly
- It can be more expensive than other options

Examples of SEM in-person training include:

Bruce Clay’s SEOToolSet

Jill Whalen’s SEM Seminars

Search Engine Bootcamp

Elite Retreat

Online Training Courses
It’s not always viable or affordable for webmasters to attend conferences or training sessions at a venue other than their home or workplace. For these reasons, the demand for online training in search engine marketing subjects has skyrocketed.

The advantages of learning SEM via online training courses are:
- Courses are available 24/7 from any location worldwide
- Training materials are provided
- They are usually cheaper than venue-based options
- They generally include step-by-step instructions
- Courses are self-paced and interactive
- Certification is provided
- A knowledge benchmark is required to qualify for certification
- Verification of subjects studied is provided
- The lesson materials are updated regularly
- University credits are sometimes available
- Certification is usually recognized by potential employers
- Training institutions can assist graduates with employment

The disadvantages of learning SEM via online training courses are:
- They can be more expensive than other options
- There is only a limited ability to network with peers

Providers of online training courses in search engine marketing include the well established:
Search Engine College

Benefits of Industry Certification
When it comes to industry certification, there are various schools of thought in the SEM industry. Some suggest certification is simply not necessary, others state that SEO/SEM has no official industry standards, so any certification is meaningless, still others insist that certification is becoming increasingly important to potential employers and persons seeking careers in SEO and SEM. 

If you’re skeptical about the value of industry certification, ask yourself these questions: Will you be looking to hire search marketing staff over the next 12 months? Would you prefer to hire search marketing staff that hold industry certification? Will you be seeking a job in the search industry over the next 12 months? Do you think holding industry certification would give you an edge over applicants applying for the same jobs?

Here are some advantages to having industry certification in search engine marketing:
For Staff:
- Proof of subjects studied and skills acquired
- Ability to promote certification on web site / CV
- An edge over other applicants when applying for SEO/SEM jobs.

For Employers:
- Ability to hire based on a proven skill set (e.g. ability to set up a Yahoo! SEM campaign quickly).
- Ability to impress clients with certified status of staff.
- Reassurance that search engine-approved methods are used.
- Less on-the-job training is required.

To Sum Up
Everyone has a different learning style, so don’t assume one method will work for you. Don’t rely on a single source of training for your search engine marketing needs. Attend conferences, purchase books, take a course, network in forums and DIY when you can to acquire a broader knowledge base.

Finally, remember that training should always be supported by hands-on SEO/SEM experience so get those hands dirty!

Chris Dickenson #topafilpro
About the Author:
Kalena Jordan - one of the first search engine optimization experts in Australia, is well known and respected in the industry, particularly in the U.S. As well as running her own SEO business, Kalena manages Search Engine College - an online training institution offering instructor-led short courses and downloadable self-study courses in Search Engine Optimization and other Search Engine Marketing subjects.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Secret of Video Website Building

Who else knows how to get 90% discount on an all-time best selling video website builder!
How cool is that?
Niche Video Site Builder is the most advanced and most popular
website builder out there . You can literally create a full blown
video website in any niche in less than 10 minutes.
I have a copy and it's super easy to use:
  - you just enter a keyword and your adsense ID
  - you upload it to your domain
  - no step 3... that's it. They're all set, you can forget them...
(do not forget to check your Adsense account and your Analytics though)
To see how easy it is, you can check The Video Website Builder Demo site.

I am sure you will agree that it has some amazing advanced features built-in
working for you on autopilot:
- automatic content (you don't have to lift a finger, NVSB finds the most
relevant videos on Youtube for you)
- strong filtering capabilities to only show relevant and useful videos,
- automatically create SILOs inside your website for maximum search engine
exposure and indexation power
- automatically generate backlinks from authority websites
- engage your audience
- leverage the power of social networks by allowing your visitors
to tag your pages
- strong SEO (these video websites will literally force bots
to index thousands and thousands of your web pages and drive
hordes of targeted visitors)
- automatic update
- automatic viral growth (your website automatically grow based on the new
videos published on Youtube as well as based on videos browsed
by your visitors!
- Works with Google Analytics (if you wish to monitor each site)
- many advanced settings (optional) to further customize your website
(change filtering settings, switch from Adsense to any other ads...)

You could have your first video website live in less than 10 minutes.
Seriously, this video website builder is the most impressive script
I have seen in years. No wonder why it's so popular (it currently powers around 350,000+
websites on the Internet!).
And today, you can get Video Website Builder  for a 90% discount:

This is truly a no brainer and a must have in your arsenal.
If you're like me and you have 20 or even 500 domains sitting there
doing nothing, you could easily turn them into traffic and profit pulling
machines by installing a NVSB website on them.

Better still, if you have blogs, you could drive more traffic to your blogsites it by installing
a NVSB powered website in a subdomain and linking back to your blog!
how simple is that?

Want to promote a Squeeze page? That's easy! You take your optin
code and plug it into NVSB (it's as easy as copy and paste).
Or you can simply link from your video website to your squeeze page
and get tons of targeted visitors!

Seriously, the Sky is the limit. At 90% Discount it's a no brainer and I can only say that you should get this amazing Video Website Builder it right away.

Wishing you every success as always,

CJ Dickenson. #topafilpro

PS: I am not sure how long this special offer will last, so please don't
procrastinate, get your copy right away :-)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

How To Get Your Business Up and Running The Easy Way.

Hi, it’s CJ here. Whether you’re selling products or services online,
or just getting your new online business up and running…
chances are you’ve been paying close attention to the
supersonic speed at which new Internet marketing products
are being released.
I get at least two or three new info-product offers in
my mailbox every week so I know how easy it is to feel
confused or overwhelmed about which direction to go and
which products to buy next.
Nearly every day I get requests from new visitors asking
for “easier way” to get their business up and running.
Or for a “really simple” way to grow and expand their
existing business.
And I tell them exactly what I’m going to say now:
There’s only 1 product I know of that boils down, step by
step, what you need to do and how you need to do it into
a simple “point, click and follow the steps” system.

That product is the “ Marlon Saunders Marketing Dashboard"
Introducing the NEW Marketing Dashboard for 2012
Marlon has just updated “The Marketing Dashboard”
with hot new content for the year 2012 which means
you can get your hands on all the latest marketing
information, tools and resources right now just by
You may actually want to call it the “Money Dashboard
for 2012″ because what it’s going to do is give you
simple step by step instructions and actions to take
to get products promoted, sold, delivered and the
money banked.
There’s a lot of models on marketing and most or all of
them make money, but how many models do you really need?
And how hard are most to follow? The answer is, you need
1 simple to use model that works.
The bottom line is, you can either sit back and watch
the fireworks show and keep going “ooh and aah” or pick
1 model proven to work and just do it.
“The Marketing Dashboard” is built on one of the simplest
and oldest models, which is to find out what people want
to buy, get it or create it, then promote it and profit
from it.
If you’ve been sitting around saying you need to get
something done or need to get a product out or you wish
that some day the ebooks you bought on Internet marketing
would somehow magically turn into money or if you’re
frustrated waiting for your search engine pages to finally,
maybe, possibly get some darn traffic, then maybe it’s time
you stopped making excuses and just get it done.
Here’s the formula: Dashboard = Get It Done
If you want to get it done, check out the Dashboard today
Best Wishes,

CJ Dickenson#Topafilpro.