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Top Affiliate Pro Video

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Secret of Video Website Building

Who else knows how to get 90% discount on an all-time best selling video website builder!
How cool is that?
Niche Video Site Builder is the most advanced and most popular
website builder out there . You can literally create a full blown
video website in any niche in less than 10 minutes.
I have a copy and it's super easy to use:
  - you just enter a keyword and your adsense ID
  - you upload it to your domain
  - no step 3... that's it. They're all set, you can forget them...
(do not forget to check your Adsense account and your Analytics though)
To see how easy it is, you can check The Video Website Builder Demo site.

I am sure you will agree that it has some amazing advanced features built-in
working for you on autopilot:
- automatic content (you don't have to lift a finger, NVSB finds the most
relevant videos on Youtube for you)
- strong filtering capabilities to only show relevant and useful videos,
- automatically create SILOs inside your website for maximum search engine
exposure and indexation power
- automatically generate backlinks from authority websites
- engage your audience
- leverage the power of social networks by allowing your visitors
to tag your pages
- strong SEO (these video websites will literally force bots
to index thousands and thousands of your web pages and drive
hordes of targeted visitors)
- automatic update
- automatic viral growth (your website automatically grow based on the new
videos published on Youtube as well as based on videos browsed
by your visitors!
- Works with Google Analytics (if you wish to monitor each site)
- many advanced settings (optional) to further customize your website
(change filtering settings, switch from Adsense to any other ads...)

You could have your first video website live in less than 10 minutes.
Seriously, this video website builder is the most impressive script
I have seen in years. No wonder why it's so popular (it currently powers around 350,000+
websites on the Internet!).
And today, you can get Video Website Builder  for a 90% discount:

This is truly a no brainer and a must have in your arsenal.
If you're like me and you have 20 or even 500 domains sitting there
doing nothing, you could easily turn them into traffic and profit pulling
machines by installing a NVSB website on them.

Better still, if you have blogs, you could drive more traffic to your blogsites it by installing
a NVSB powered website in a subdomain and linking back to your blog!
how simple is that?

Want to promote a Squeeze page? That's easy! You take your optin
code and plug it into NVSB (it's as easy as copy and paste).
Or you can simply link from your video website to your squeeze page
and get tons of targeted visitors!

Seriously, the Sky is the limit. At 90% Discount it's a no brainer and I can only say that you should get this amazing Video Website Builder it right away.

Wishing you every success as always,

CJ Dickenson. #topafilpro

PS: I am not sure how long this special offer will last, so please don't
procrastinate, get your copy right away :-)

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